unwanted inner beaming

• Jul 9, 2024 - 10:37

Partway through my score, my semiquavers have started to break their inner beam. I'm really not sure what has caused this nor how to fix this, since there is no inner beam break found in the time signature properties and trying to edit the properties doesn't affect the beaming in the slightest.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Those ledger lines look way to close as well, here's what I get loading your score into Musescore 3.7, no beam breaks.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Whilst manually unbreaking the beams is an option, the project seems to automatically break the inner beams on semiquavers as the default. Whilst I can manually unbreak these beams as I go, this would be cumbersome and take a lot of time that I wish not to sink into the project. Not to mention the 500 odd bars I would have to manually comb over already. I was just wondering whether there was some toggle for this (besides the time signature properties that doesn't seem to work) or whether this is a bug that can be removed. It seems however, since the beaming doesn't occur in MS 3.7, that maybe in future version of MS 4 the beaming will fix itself.

In reply to by rothers

Thank you for linking this thread, and it does seem like the same issue, as I suspected the inner beaming bug was due to the multitude of time signatures used in that portion of the score. Since the user in the thread is on the same version as well, I would expect this bug to be patched in the near future. Thank you for your help.

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