Shift key is replaced by a text "NumPad" in the definition of shortcut

• Jul 19, 2024 - 09:31

I use MuseScore v. 6. 3. 2 on my iMac (v. 14.5 Sonoma).
Today, one shortcut combination didn't work (this kind of shortcut inconveniences happen pretty often).
The shortcut which I mention is "shift+command+↑/↓".
Therefore, to fix and re-define the shortcut key combination, I also typed this time too, in the definition column "shift+command+↓, but, instead of shift key symbol white arrow, a text "NumPad" appears. And I tried other combinations instead of shift key, but this text always appears, for example "NumPad control + command" etc.
Would someone explain this strange phenomenon and tell me how to solve this problem?


You probably mean Mu 3.6.2 (not 6.3.2)?

It would be useful if you could explain what Regional setting your computer uses, what keyboard, what operating system. For example, is your physical keyboard QWERTY (English), AZERTY (French), QUERTZ (German) - or something else? And what keyboard setup does your computer think is in use?

In reply to by DanielR

I thank you both, DanielIR and Jojo-Schmitz for your kind concern.

It seems that you are residents of EU or simply Europe, and unfortunately I am Japanese, resident of Japan. There is a time-lag between us, 7 hours now. Here, it will soon be time to go to bed (for me, an old man), so I am afraid I can’t enough time now to explain you the problem clearly.
Anyway, I think that the minimum of informations of my computer and MuseScore situation (v. 3. 6. 2) will be useful for you to help me solve this strange problem.

  • My computer is an iMac, desktop type (Apple), and the OS is the latest version, v. 14.5 (the nickname is Sonoma).
  • The keyboard type is Japanese JIS standard, and QWERTY (but it is fundamentally English), and called Magic keyboard, wireless (Bluetooth), with NO numpad. And I use a wireless trackpad (Bluetooth).
  • I usually use Canadian-French setup. This is the standard English keyboard setup with a special French key-mapping added partially.
  • Using this keyboard type and setting, the strange phenomenon has never happened till today.
  • I suppose that as this phenomenon of the shift-key problem only happens in the shortcut definition of MuseScore settings, id. never happen in other application programs like word-processor (Pages) or Mail etc., the problem might be peculiar to MuseScore.

I apologize in advance that I will not be able to read your comments until tomorrow morning.
Anyway, I appreciate very much your help and advice.

(I add in a hurry that I have no intention to use the version 4 of MuseScore because the version 4 is inferior for me in its functionality to the version 3. 6. 2).

With my sincere gratitude.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I had a telephone call to Apple Support Center in Japan, asking if my Magic keyboard is provided with some software numpad function, but the answer is No. The shift key of this keyboard works without any problem in other applications. Therefore, I am now sure that the problem is not relevant to Mac computer, but to MuseScore itself.
However, I also suppose there might be some conflict between MuseScore and other applications I use. One of my useful applications is iKey (or yKey) which makes it possible to make various combinations of shortcuts. So, I suppose that there might be a conflict between these two applications. This iKey app. is upgraded pretty often, and the latest upgrade is two or three weeks ago. This upgrade might bring some conflict to MuseScore. I am not sure nor I can’t verify the fact.
Anyway, to avoid the inconvenience, I will make some alternative notation ideas. For me the important is not the beautiful regularity of sheet music, but the sound result in mp.3 format.
I know the existence of MuseScore v. 3.7 Evolution. But, I am not prepared yet mentally to use this unofficial upgrade. But, this upgrade is always in my consideration. Simply, I am not courageous enough to use it at this stage.

Now, I appreciate again your concern.
With best regards.

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