Very funky formatting/layout of Musescore windows on 16" MacBook 2021.

• Jul 31, 2024 - 12:57

This is very recent behavior, discovered as I was trying to change noteheads to include solefège.

Musescore window content is cut off on the edges of windows or peculiarly sized and positioned in windows.

Please take a look at the attached. You'll see the borders of the main window cut off on the top and bottom. A very funny sized and positioned cursor in the New Score dialog, and in the dialog box (window) for adding solefège to noteheads you'll see no Apply or Cancel button.

Can anyone help me with this?

OS: macOS 14.5, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.2-241630832, revision: 22b46f2


Instead of images, which are of little use here in understanding what happens, attach please the score itself (.mscz file).

In reply to by cadiz1

Thank you ,and good idea. But darn it, no help. Tried "Restore the default layout" from the View menu too, but that didn't work either.

Any other thoughts from folks out there in the "musephere" would be most appreciated.

Also, if anyone knows a work around to changing noteheads to solefège without going to the Styles menu would also be very appreciated.

It appears your monitor is using some non-standard resolution / scaling settings that your OS is not reported to MusScore properly. You'll need to find the settings for that in your OS and try other settings.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc. There are not settings for displays in that Mac OS "System Settings" dialog that fix the Musescore "frame edge" problem.

And no other application that I use exhibits these problems.

I know you are a super Musescore expert and I've used and appreciated LOTS of your advice and help as I've come to learn and enjoy Musescore.

Do you think this is the kind of thing that warrants me writing up an official bug report?

In reply to by kdjacob2000

Have you found the DPI scaling options yet? That still seems like there obvious place to start. It's got to be a macOS setting somewhere.

Since no on else seems to experience this, it's not going to be meaningful to submit a bug report until you figure out what unique equality of your system is triggering this. So you will want to be sure to fully explore all the various settings relevant to your display, including settings you don't currently already know about.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,

Thank you for your reply and helping out here.

I don't really know what you're talking about with Mac OS "dpi" settings. I clicked on the link you provided previously and it was way out of my league in terms of technical stuff.

What's really puzzling is that this problem ONLY exists in Musescore. No other application on my Mac exhibits this problem.

I'm going to download Musescore and try it on my wife's Macbook. I'm also going to try calling Apple to see if they have any ideas.

Thanks again Marc.


In reply to by kdjacob2000

Unfortunately I don't know much about macOS - I can just tell you that one way or another you would need to learn a little more about your OS to find the various settings it provides. An Apple forum is probably a better place than a MuseScore forum to learn about that.

I get that no other application you current run seems affected by this setting - perhaps because no other program you are running uses the Qt libraries that MuseScore uses? But also, no other macOS shows this problem. So it's got to be something very specific to your configuration, and only you are thus able to do the legwork required to track down the unique qualities of your system that trigger this.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I fixed the problem by uninstalling and reinstalling MuseScore.

Apple suggested logging out and logging in using a different account on my Mac, which I did and the problem was NOT THERE in Musescore. (This info may be helpful as a breadcrumb in the future to others.)

There was nothing Apple or I could do to fix the problem when logging in under my normal account on my mac.

So this is a bit of a mystery, but at least I'm back up and running again and doing my work on my score.


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