Show/Hide notes in voice

• Nov 21, 2022 - 01:33

MuseScore 3.6.2

I've got a score in which I intentionally hid the notes in voice 2. But I've forgotten how to toggle that property.

I checked the Instruments panel for a control that surprises voice visibility. Also looked in Staff properties for the same. Checked the Handbook too but didn't find an answer here.

Anybody in the know on this?




Ah. Nevermind ...

I now see that I selected all notes and rests in Voice 2 and unchecked the Visible property in the Inspector.

That said, it would be great if there was a Staff/Part option to set the visibility of various voices! Would be a simpler single step!


In reply to by Pedro MA Costa

Hello Pedro, Did you find an answer to hiding notes / rests for classical guitar? I have an issue of trying to group in different voices while maintaining the software logic of balancing each bar according to the time signature. This makes hiding notes to gain accuracy of voicing very difficult. Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks

In reply to by Ron52

"Did you find an answer to hiding notes / rests for classical guitar?"

There is no specific way to do it for guitar. What would make you think that? This has always been done with the “V” shortcut or in the Properties (uncheck “Visible”) for any instrument, of course. It seems you're trying something that you don't describe precisely. See below.

"I have an issue of trying to group in different voices while maintaining the software logic of balancing each bar according to the time signature. This makes hiding notes to gain accuracy of voicing very difficult"

It's not clear what you're trying to do. Are you trying to make an arrangement using, for example, the Implode function to reduce a piano score for guitar (so, on a single staff)? Or something like that?

So that we can better understand your approach and receive really targeted help, please attach a score, .mscz file (or simply a meaningful selection of several measures, via menu File / Save selection) and by explaining with details the wished result.

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