Adding glissandi to rests

• Aug 25, 2024 - 14:26

I have a piece of music I am transferring from a paper score to Muse Score so that I can print the individual parts for my brass band.

In one section there is a glissando to a rest. Here it says glissandi have to be placed from a start note to an end note.

How do I write the notation so that the players know to drop off of their notes over a whole beat?

I hope this makes sense.

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Maybe put in a hidden note, and mute it. A grace note might work, so you don’t need to fool with other voices. But I don’t understand it. How do they know where to stop the gliss, even though they see when?

Then drag the fall into your score. From there, press and hold ctrl+shift then select the fall and drag it into a palette so that you always have it. Enter it in your score as needed like any other palette item. except you will need to position it each time.

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