Updated version (4.4) does not support Chord Identifier Plugin

• Aug 31, 2024 - 16:14

Just letting people know before you upgrade. I had to re-install the previous version because I can't do without this plugin, and of course the score I was working on in the new version won't open in the older version, so I lost about an hour of work I did before I was ready to add chord symbols.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'm no longer banned. But I've been banned/blocked some 6 months ago (no more able to create, comment, ... any issue on GitHub). Probably for having asked too often about a perspective for the Plugin support in MU4.x. At that time, I contacted Tantacrul on the Discord to regain my rights.

(6.2 is corrected now)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sure. I don't remember rudeness nor foul language.
It was nothing more than an observation about broken workflows, and how this only enforces the idea that MS is something for amateurs and not suitable for professional work.
With the underlying idea to avoid the same with the next upgrade, knowing that none of the plugins will work with 4.5.
But meanwhile i know i am wrong. As always.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

No, it is not. (There is someone complaining about the plugins.)
But it is about playing in the majors (i would say Champions League), on competing with Dorico (and Sibelius, why is everybody thinking they are over as well?)
On how professional users want to be treated, or users in general.
I don't see how censoring will contribute.
You can't play in the majors if you treat customers like shit.

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