Measures have wrong number of beats after PDF import

• Sep 12, 2024 - 20:21

I tried to import a pdf lead sheet to save me some time creating my score. I have some notes (enough to save significant time), but the measures do not always have enough notes/rests to account for all 4 beats. I can't figure out any way to force more into the measures that are not correct. It's not even consistent. Once measure has 2 1/2 beats; the next one has 3 1/2.

Is there any way to successfully edit this without deleting the measures that don't have enough beats? I have included a screen shot showing the issue.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-09-12 151934.png 14.14 KB


I don't know what you used for import, but if you imported via MS, the recognition used Audiveris. If so, you can install Audiveris as a stand alone app on your computer. You then have better control over the recognition process. In addition, and this is for me the best part, you can correct the the music before exporting to XML. Note, you have two layers after running the recognition, the original "image" and on top, the recognised music where errors are marked.
I don't use it very often, but if, I keep Audiveris with the recognized music running in parallel with MS and regularly open/refresh it in MS until I'm satisfied with the result and switch to continue in MS only.

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