New Bug in 3.7 ? Export and Print produce squares in place of note heads

• Sep 16, 2024 - 03:31

Exported from the attached mscz and the got the attached PDF.
observed on Windows 10 in MuseScore (64-bit):, 10d1b80
Works correctly in version (64-bit):, revision: 1f21da2


My guess is that the notation font used is not installed on your computer as a system resource.

MuseScore bypasses this norm by baking its fonts in at compile. But there are various ways that this falls short, for instance, when opening the PDF in a vector editor like Affinity Designer or Illustrator—the app will look for the font as a system resource. When it fails to find the font it displays the rectangles as seen in the attached PDF.

Nevertheless PDFs are portable precisely because they can contain embedded fonts or glyphs, so perhaps MuseScore or the PDF generator are failing to employ that option.

How did you generate the PDF?

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