Playback bug: D.C. (or D.S.) al Fine marking right before a section break causes the pause between sections to happen at the wrong time (4.42)

• Sep 20, 2024 - 09:32

I have already logged this issue on Github at

The issue arises when a D.S. al Fine or a D.C. al Fine marking is added on the same measure as a section break (and the Fine is of course on an earlier measure). I expect that on reaching the D.S. or D.C. marking, the playback cursor should immediately jump to the capo or segno and begin playing back from there. Then, on reaching the Fine marking, it should pause as set in the section break properties before starting the next section.

But what actually happens is that on reaching the D.S. or D.C. marking, the cursor jumps to the appropriate place, but then unexpectedly pauses as though it's about to start the next section. After the pause, it plays from the capo or segno as originally intended. Finally, when it reaches the Fine, it immediately begins playing the next section without a pause.

I have included an example score both here and in the Github entry, where you can find additional details.

I am encountering this issue in MuseScore Studio 4.4.2 on a Windows 10 Pro 64-bit computer. Unfortunately, I don't know if it's a reversion, has existed for a while, or is a new bug since I haven't tried this on any earlier versions.

Attachment Size
Broken Section Pauses.mscz 18.07 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I see that this is a long-standing issue.

Something that has occurred to me is that the section break isn't relevant until after the repeat or jump has occurred. Do you know if MuseScore's playback engine handles repeats and section breaks in any particular order on measures where both are present?

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