Shapenotes make dots disappear, though duration remains correct as if the note was dotted

• Sep 21, 2024 - 12:16

Apologies if this has already been reported.
Just downloaded 4.4.2
When I change the noteheads to 7-shape (aikin), the dots that lengthen the duration of a note, disappear.
In attached score, you can see the half note is dotted, but the dot doesn't show.
If I change back to normal noteheads, the dot remains gone. I write new dotted notes, but the dot no longer appears on screen. The duration is correct though. It's a pure visual issue: the note looks like a normal length note instead of a dotted note.
I change noteheads via "stave/part properties > advanced style properties".

I checked all releases back to 4.3.2 and this version does not have this problem. All 4.4 versions do have this problem.

Thanks for looking into this.

Attachment Size
Kerry of the Loch.mscz 17.13 KB


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