Unable to Add Parentheses Around Notes in MuseScore Guitar Tab

• Sep 25, 2024 - 12:22

I'm currently working on a guitar tab in MuseScore (version 4.4.2), and I'm having trouble adding parentheses around notes. I've tried several methods but can't seem to get the parentheses (or brackets) to appear. Here’s what I’ve attempted so far:

Note Properties Bar: Tried adding parentheses from the properties bar under notehead parentheses.
Noteheads Palette: Selected the notehead with parentheses from the "Noteheads" palette.
Accidentals Palette: Selecting parentheses options in the Accidentals palette - no luck.
Inspector Panel: Checked the Inspector panel for any relevant notehead or parentheses options, but didn’t find any.
Despite trying all these methods, no parentheses are showing up around the notes. I suspect this could be a bug or perhaps a style/formatting issue, but I can’t seem to find any options in the Format > Style menu related to this parentheses/notehead formatting etc.

Has anyone else encountered this issue in MuseScore 4? If so, is there a known fix or workaround? Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you in advance!


Look at Format / Style / Tablature (it's new, since 4.4 from memory) at the bottom of the list, just above "Text Styles", and try the various options (ie Parentheses indicating Ties) ?

I don't know if this will work for what you need, but I needed parentheses around some notes
and some sticking for some drum exercises and I used system text and then modified the size using
palettes and styles and then dragged the text into place around the notes or sticking.

Adding my voice here that I'm having this same problem too. Also noticed in my previous works that all the parenthesis that I've added to my scores are not showing up either! Hope they weren't removed!

In reply to by yamr3it

I just encountered a potentially related problem.

But a brief grammarical commen before I proceed:

     • A parenthesis is the right or left symbol of a parentheses:

          either (
                 or )

    • A parentheses is a pair of parenthesis. It consists of a right parenthesis and a left parenthesis.

Starting with score containing a linked treble/tablature pair of staves I was able to add a note parentheses* in MSS4.4.2. But deleting was problematic, as shown in this score:


In reply to by scorster

  • "but I needed parentheses around some notes and some sticking for some drum exercises "
    For drums (and other instruments in standard notation) , I don't see any problem (version 4.4.2) with adding parentheses to notes, as they can be found in the Noteheads palette (also in the Accidentals palette/ "More").
    And for sticking, since it's text, edit it to add a left and right parenthesis.

  • "Adding my voice here that I'm having this same problem too. Also noticed in my previous works that all the parenthesis that I've added to my scores are not showing up either! Hope they weren't removed!"

They weren't removed. See reply above (parentheses are in Noteheads palette e.g.)
And please attach a score demonstrating what you say: "in my previous works that all the parenthesis that I've added to my scores are not showing up either"

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