Lost scores
I had to get a new computer several months ago due to problems with my old one and since I got this one, any new score that I've started or continued with, has automatically created and gone into a second score folder and I couldn't figure out how to put all my scores in one folder! Well now suddenly that second folder and all the scores therein are now gone even though I never actively deleted them and I am very upset about it! I'm hoping there is some way I can recover my lost scores because this is very unacceptable and I don't know who or what is responsible for this!
MuseScore Studio never ever deletes files or folders. It doesn't have the capabilities to do so.
Maybe you'll search again with your file browser with *.mscz
In reply to MuseScore Studio never ever… by [DELETED] 1307581
Thank you. It turns out I just remembered that I actually did save just about all of them online.
The only person responsible for files (and scores are just that) on your computer is you...
In reply to The only person responsible… by Jojo-Schmitz
I was taking care of them just fine-I did not actively delete them, so don't you DARE go playing the victim blaming game on me and get on my case about it!
In reply to I was taking care of them… by Jacob Patrick Rourke
I do though. MuseScore does not delete scores, it simply can't. So it must have been something or someone else.
Or, as it turned out, you didn't save than on your computer at all, but on the cloud, and there only.
Still all your responsibilities...
In reply to I was taking care of them… by Jacob Patrick Rourke
Describing causation is, by no stretch of the imagination, "victim blaming". There are only two ways that a score can be lost: 1) by never having been saved (user issue), and 2) by not recalling where it was saved (user issue).
No one is "on your case". We're just explaining the possibiliities.
[A few moments later] I realized that scores could be lost through a hardware failure, which isn't a user issue, but is also not a MuseScore issue either. Still not "victim blaming": still just explaining possibilities.
In reply to Describing causation is, by… by TheHutch
On top of hardware failures there's also users accidentally deleting files (a pure and plain user error, and yes this happens) and also software running wild, virus, ransomware, etc. (Partly user errors, running a computer without good protection)
In reply to On top of hardware failures… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you for letting me know! And I do apologize for my reaction, I just couldn't understand what was going on or why.
In reply to Describing causation is, by… by TheHutch
Thank you for explaining that to me! Very much appreciated!