Musescore WEB not easy
Whwn you are in the forum,, clicking on the Dashbord, the next page do not offer solution to comme back in the forum.
In addition, I changed the name but for the forum nothing change, my old name is always displayed.
Seems something not finished in interface web ?
Seems to be a issue, not a one, so report there
In reply to Seems to be a… by Jojo-Schmitz
OK done
In reply to OK done Thanks by christianaddy
No you didn't, is still on
Go to
Yes, i know that this is not the right site but ...
@christianaddy: i have the same issue, only with my avatar.
In reply to Yes, i know that this is not… by Pentatonus
Account issues are being dealt with by
In reply to Yes, i know that this is not… by Pentatonus
Some might be done yourself at (for @Pentatonus)
Not the avatar though, it seems
In reply to Some might be done yourself… by Jojo-Schmitz
Try to understand the issue fefore comment plase
Your link give "Accès denied"
In reply to Try to understand the issue… by christianaddy
To you, not to @Pentatonus, which whom I replied to
Your's is
In reply to Yes, i know that this is not… by Pentatonus
Others at
(works for everyone, as it automagically redirects to the own account)
In reply to Others at https://musescore… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks but you didn't understant the issue...
In reply to Thanks but you didn't… by christianaddy
I did, but as said, nobody here can help you with it