How to create vocal score reduction
Hi fellow MuseScore users, I'm hoping someone can help me out!
I'm writing a score for orchestra (brass, percussion, piano and strings) and choir. For rehearsal with the choir i want to have a vocal score, with only the choir parts and where the orchestra parts are reduced to a piano part.
Is there any function within the program that helps me create such a reduction? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You will have to compose the piano part. There is no automatic tool to create such: WAAAY beyond the current abilities of AI.
Once it is created, you can hide it (to present the full orchestra score) or display it and hide the orchestra staves (for the choir practice score) as you please.
In reply to You will have to compose the… by TheHutch
You could implode multiple staves into one piano staff
In reply to You could implode multpile… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, as Jojo says, experiment with Implode.
@Hutch AI has nothing to do with it. It's programing.
In reply to Yes, as Jojo says,… by bobjp
Sure, if it's a relatively simple case of imploding two or three instruments. But OP described an orchestra. It's going to take explicit human intervention (or more capable AI than exists today) to choose this note versus that note (or "these notes" versus "those"). The choices are likely to change from one measure to the next. Assuming that "orchestra" is a valid description of the score in question, "programming" will not suffice.
However, I note now that OP describes one of the instruments in the orchestra as "piano". If that's the case, it may be as simple as hiding the other instruments of the "orchestra". If this turns out to be the case, the "programming" has already been done. :-)
In reply to Sure, if it's a relatively… by TheHutch
It will be a challenge, to be sure. But that's what makes it all so much fun, also.
Did you mean this was outside the scope of AI as well as MuseScore?
In reply to It will be a challenge, to… by bobjp
I meant that that AI could not compose his piano reduction. A human being could. A program, whether plugin or AI, could not. You could certainly program a plug-in to automatically select a certain subset of notes. But I doubt that any automatically selected (whether AI or plug-in) subset of the notes from the orchestra would be even a mediocre piano reduction. Other than simply choosing the existing piano part ... and even that might not be better than mediocre.
In reply to Sure, if it's a relatively… by TheHutch
Sounds like the OP is composing all the instrument parts, (the orchestra), so implosion should be a good starting point and may even be sufficient. Otherwise some programming could help; something similar to a merge voice plugin.