Remove letters from piano keyboard
On the piano, it displays C1, C2, C3, etc. How do I remove those letters?
On the piano, it displays C1, C2, C3, etc. How do I remove those letters?
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You don't. Not without changing the source code and building MuseScore yourself
In reply to You don't by Jojo-Schmitz
It would be nice to have that option. Thanks for the prompt response!
In reply to It would be nice to have… by bhs67
It happens at mscore/pianotools.cpp, lines 408-414
Pretty easy 4-line fix to add this as an advanced preference
In reply to It happens at mscore… by Jojo-Schmitz
PR got merged, so this will be in 3.6
In reply to PR got merged, so this will… by Jojo-Schmitz
is this currently available in Musescore 4?
In reply to is this currently available… by micrologus
As it got ported to master in it should be available in Mu4 too
In reply to is this currently available… by micrologus
But apparently it got removed again later, no idea why.
Yet another Mu4 regression :-(
In reply to But apparently it got… by Jojo-Schmitz
Ops. Thanks anyway!
In reply to Ops. Thanks anyway! by micrologus
Feel free to file a feature request on GitHub,
In reply to It would be nice to have… by bhs67
I'd be interested to learn why you'd want to disable this, esp. as in you want all keys to have names?
In reply to I'd be interested to learn… by Jojo-Schmitz
For the video clip, I plan to start with a blank keyboard, then add "A", then "B", then "C", etc. in fairly rapid succession. (The average attention span is 17 seconds.)
The second octave would be all at once.
Starting with the letter "C" adds confusion.