3 requests

• Jan 21, 2025 - 17:17
  1. record mode for note input. Any pro program I've used has it. This one desperately needs it.

  2. The "nudge" feature in formatting should also be available for lyrics, dynamic parkings, etc.

  3. Page formatting is not up to the level of the rest of the program. There should be a force feature to get 3 systems on a page easily (I do choral octavos). The 2 inch space between staves is amateur.

  4. The final few measures if on a page by themselves should not be spread to the entire page.

  5. Systems, etc. should be able to be locked so as to move them around easily on the page, even to supersede the page margins.

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Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 8.14.46 AM.png 371.22 KB


Isn't that 5 requests?

  1. No idea what you mean by this. What is a record in MuseScore? A measure? The MuseScore file structure is an XML document.

  2. Can't you nudge element positions via the inspector? You can in MS3.

  3. I think that you have stave space control. Stave spacing is neither amateur non professional, it's just a preference and maybe depends on the basic score spacing unit chosen and the eye-sight of the user. (We haven't all got 20/20 vision).

In reply to by yonah_ag

Hyperscribe mode in Finale. I play in MIDI in time and it notates. Not one note at a time, etc. only. Why do I have to open the inspector to nudge something when it's automatically available on the formatting arrows etc? Stave spacing is now willy-nilly in published compositions. I sing in a choir and the stuff that's out there is wildly different. Sometimes 6 measures to a page with huge blank spaces at the top and bottom of the pages and between systems. If you're going to default things then do it all for a pro look. See "old time" scores for reference.

That looks like 5 requests to me, but 3 is a reasonable engineering estimate I guess.

For 1. Have you checked out the different types of input - see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/alternative-note-input-methods

For 2. Select the item you want to nudge and use the arrow keys on your PC keyboard - see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/adjusting-elements-directly which also describes other ways of achieving the same thing

For 3, and 4 look at this part of the handbook. https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/formatting it explains how to set up your score to avoid the issues you mention.

It is not clear what you are hoping for with No 5.

Note that it usually best to keep to a single topic in a thread so that it is clear what topic any replies are related to.

In reply to by yonah_ag

I did. I'm saying that I shouldn't have to go under the hood to do minute controls. Give me COMPLETE control of elements in the score window. Or at least, give a complete set of tools in the palette area. The amount of adjustments you need to make in the style/formatting area to get things to fit many times is crazy. Sorry. I'm a MAC guy and the formatters here are not. PC people provide pages and pages and menus and menus, etc. Make EVERYTHING movable and lockable.

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