MuseSampler Lib not found
I have been unable to use muse sounds. Under diagnostic it says that the Musesampler Lib is not found. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this? I have tried everything I can think of. Uninstalling musescore, musehub, muse sounds, reverting the program to factory settings. Please let me know.
What OS are you on? Did you reinstall Muse Hub after uninstalling it? Which sounds did you then install? normally Muse Sampler gets installed with the first sound you install. Be sure not to change the default installation folder.
In reply to What OS are you on? Did you… by Marc Sabatella
I am on Windows. Yes I reinstalled Muse Hub. I tried reinstalling all of the sounds. They don't show up in the mixer and they are faded out and unclickable when I go to View > Playback setup.
In reply to What OS are you on? Did you… by Marc Sabatella
I just figured it out. I had to copy MuseSamplerCoreLib.dll into Musescore 4 "bin" folder. I extracted the MuseSamplerCoreLib.dll from 'MuseHub/Downloads/Installers/610ee8e7-40e7-4f12-96cf-b3806dc12e7d/'.
In reply to I just figured it out. I had… by Hudson Holland
Tanks a lot Huson ! Muse Sounds is OK with your solution.
In reply to I just figured it out. I had… by Hudson Holland
Hi Hudson,
I tried doing this, but the diagnostic still displays Muse Sounds Library as not found. Any ideas? Thanks.
In reply to Hi Hudson, I tried doing… by Official Mercury
I would not recommend manually fiddling with file locations. So first step, put things back where they were. Then uninstall one of the Muse Sounds, restart MuseScore Studio, and try again. Be sure you are on the current version of both MuseScore Studi and of Muse Hub. Then if that doesn't work, try uninstalling all Muse Sounds as well as Muse Hub, then reinstalling, then again restart MuseScore Studio.
I have exactly the same problem, but I can't use your workaround. My Musehub install-folder is just constantly empty. I have also tried uninstalling everything. I have also found this solution on github: "Go to C:\ProgramData\MuseHub\Downloads\Installers . In one of the folders in this folder, there will be .zip file called "MuseSamplerCoreLib". Open it and extract the file inside into the "bin" folder of your MuseScore4 folder (probably located in C:\Program Files\MuseScore 4 ). Open MuseScore4, this should fix the issue." but I can't copy or extract something that is not there. Any idea what might go wrong?
In reply to I have exactly the same… by charlottefmer
Update: A friend of mine just send me the missing file and it works now. Could someone explain what went wrong there?