Repeats not working as expected
I have a piece structured like the attached. Why doesn’t MS stop at the Fine? Upon returning to the beginning, it plays the first ending again, then stops at the D.C. al Fine.
I want it to play the 1st ending, skip to measure 4, take the D.C., then play the second ending and stop at the Fine. How can I make that happen? Or is there a better approach?
Attachment | Size |
MS Question 1-29-25.mscz | 18.35 KB |
Voltas don't work with DC, DS but with repeat barlines.
In reply to Voltas don't work with DC,… by underquark
Can you clarify what you're suggesting I do? Is there a way to do this that avoids a skip to a coda?
Voltas only work with a repeat with bar lines that have a repeat colon. The mix between D.C. and Voltas is not possible, they are two different things!
Just do it with D.C. al Coda and a To Coda jump, as in the appendix.
In reply to Voltas only work with a… by HildeK
Thanks for the suggestion. However, I'd prefer to avoid a coda as it will require a page turn.
Maybe something like this?
To clarify, my current structure is:
A (at 1st ending, continue to B; at 2nd ending, Fine)
A (D.C. al Fine)
The first and second endings of the first A are (of course) different.
I’m trying to avoid notating the last A by repeating to the first A.
I’m also trying to avoid a Coda, which would require a page turn.
Is there seriously no way to do this?
In reply to To clarify, my current… by darkstream
If I understand (as you are not saying to repeat [A] before [B]:
Make the first ending include the letter [B].
In reply to If I understand (as you are… by xavierjazz
Are you saying to do something like this:
A (after repeat after B, skip to C)
B (repeat to A)
In reply to Are you saying to do… by darkstream
I think they mean
[first volta begins]
[first volta ends; repeat]
[second volta]
[DC al Fine]
In reply to I think they mean A [first… by TheHutch
Hmm...I don't understand. Could you put that in a MS file and show me how it matches my desired structure?
In reply to To clarify, my current… by darkstream
You say you have sections A, B, C.
Okay, so...
You want the sequence: A - B - A - C - A
with the first and second endings of A different.
Have a look here:
You also wrote:
> I’m also trying to avoid a Coda, which would require a page turn. <
How many measures in A?
How many measures in B?
How many measures in C?
A Coda does not necessarily demand a page turn.
You should submit a score of your own with a clear explanation of the roadmap you wish to follow. It doesn't have to work, but it should show A B C sections with any voltas and jumps included.