Cannot find File, ie to get to export function

• Feb 5, 2025 - 21:34

Have been buying scores on MuScore for awhile, acct good, But cannot find the File command, for exporting, ie midi.
Not sure which version of MuScore I have.
But just downloaded Ver 4, Might be better.
Is there a difference between MuseScore and MuseScore Studio ? Unclear
Thx for any pointers.


You are buying scores on MuseScore .com.
What you downloaded is the MuseScore notation app. Two different things. Confusing, I kn ow.

In reply to by Mscore750

You download scores from and you can choose from a variety of formats. A paid subscription gives you access to more scores than a free account. You can also play scores on .com without downloading them.

The MuseScore Studio software is free and downloadable from Version 4 is the latest version. This software is for creating, editing and playing scores.

You can find it here:

You can open your downloaded scores in the MuseScore Studio software. You can share your own scores made in the software by uploading them to your account on .com. A free account is sufficient for uploading scores. The software can export your scores in MIDI format.

There are also apps for iOS and Android tablets but these are only for playback, not for scoring. You can find these apps in the appropriate app store for your tablet.

In reply to by yonah_ag

> "You can open your downloaded scores in the MuseScore Studio software."

??? I was under the impression that you could only download .PDF format from (I don't know for sure because I have never tried downloading anything from the .com site.)

With a .PDF file you can try to convert it to .musicxml with File / Import PDF, but the software there is notoriously poor at that conversion. Other free-standing applications (even newer versions of Audiveris, which the Import PDF tool uses) can do better jobs. Once converted, MuseScore Studio can open that .musicxml file and play it ... and modify it ... and export it as a MIDI

In reply to by TheHutch

There is a huge number of MuseScorer uploaded, copyrighted scores that can be downloaded in mscz format with a pro account. There is also a huge number of public domain scores available for anyone to download in mscz format; a free account is sufficient for these.

Official Scores are relatively new and these are only available in PDF.

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