Expression lines/ties job
I use MuseScore 3.6.2 and 4.4.4, both portable AppImage, inside computers with Ubuntu-Studio 24.04.2 LTS (64 bit Linux).
I wonder if I missed something in the road but... I cannot hear any kind of audible action when we use expression lines/ties (see the attached image).
It is supposed there should be an almost "legato" kind of playing technics. But... I cannot hear nothing different to any other part of the score.
Do I have done something wrong? Did I miss something about this item? ???
Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!
Attachment | Size |
Ligadura de expresión.png | 14.82 KB |
You should read the effect of ties, as they contract the connected notes (2 adjacent notes of the same pitch) to a single duration.
The playback effect of slurs though is either very subtle (for very few instruments, one is Piano) or non-existent.
You image shows a slur.
In reply to You should read the effect… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hi, Jojo!!!
Sorry, it's my fault. It is just a translation issue. In Spanish, we say: "ligado de expresión", so I translated it as "expression line". I forgot to use the word "slur". Sorry.
BTW, maybe I'm so slow to understand this but... I cannot to hear some audible difference between notes with/without slurs, with any instruments.
Maybe the soundfont file I use? ???
In reply to Hi, Jojo!!! Sorry, it's my… by jotape1960
Jojo wrote:
The playback effect of slurs though is either very subtle (for very few instruments, one is Piano) or non-existent.
So you would not hear it, especially when there is a reverb activated. I would say it is non-existent ...
In reply to Hi, Jojo!!! Sorry, it's my… by jotape1960
There should be a subtle effect for piano and flute, which change note durations from 95% to 100% on slurs.
Might be heard on MS Basic only, not sure, and is indeed very subtle
In reply to There should be a subtle… by Jojo-Schmitz
Really? I've never observed any playback effect from a slurred note, regardless of the instrument.
In reply to Really? I've never observed… by TheHutch
At least in Musescore 3 and with the flute there is a playback effect. It may also depend on the sound font used.
In reply to At least in Musescore 3 and… by HildeK
Hmmnh! Well, in MuS 4.4.4, at any rate, I can't hear any difference between unmarked notes, slurred notes, and tenuto in the (MuseScore default!) Piano, Oboe, Flute, and Violin instruments. To my ear, it sounds like their sounds extend long enough that any such difference is just scrubbed out by the decay of the sound.
I haven't had v.3 for about a year to 18 months, but my recollection is that I've always thought that slurs had no playback effect at all, at all.
In reply to Hmmnh! Well, in MuS 4.4.4,… by TheHutch
Listen to this. Measures 1 and 3 without slurs, measures 2 and 4 with slurs. Created with 3.7, sound font: GeneralUser GS MuseScore v1.442.sf2.