Oh Musescore - what have you done!
So I've been away a while and opened up Musescore 3, and seen that it needs an update - oh goody - new version of my favourite scoring app.
The installer runs and it does not install a new version of Musescore - instead it installs this thing called Musehub that demands a log in and want to grab hold of root level permissions on my PC without asking me for it.
In addition Musescore has not been updated and I cannot see a link anyway to install it - What have you done!
So now its uninstalled and the account deleted - they will still have my private data (tho' not much), but such is life. Now I will be stuck on V3 for ever?
OK there is a link to download it without this 'malware' (in the sense of software I didn't ask for that does things I didn't want for the benefit of someone else ) , but do I trust it not to all happen again on next 'update' ??
This is a very sad state of affairs - who thought this was a good idea??
You can get MuseScore Studio without Muse Hob, from the download page of this site here.
You'd be missing out on the new sounds though.
And no, there's no account needed to get the free sounds
In reply to You can get MuseScore Studio… by Jojo-Schmitz
Please see my comment to that effect - can I trust it not to install Musehub as soon as there is an 'update' ?
And I disagree in that Musehub will do nothing without a sign in.
And sounds? Do I need them ? I have soft synths a plenty.. sounds are not a big deal - not worth damaging Musescore's reputation and persuading users to look elsewhere. Give me VST functionality and I'm not downloading any sounds..
This is all very disappointing to see useful software destroyed by greed
In reply to Please see my comment to… by wideopeniris
Technically, the HUB is the central location for downloading all things MuseScore as of version 4. Which is why when you clicked Update, the HUB was downloaded. The installer should have been labeled MuseHub, I think. As noted, it is possile to download just MuseScore 4. Versions 3 and 4 can run side by side, without issue.
As to root access. You might be surprised what software has root access that you know nothing about. The program that runs my Focusrite has root access. I have no idea why.
I learned long ago to not install updates from with in the program itself.
You could try MuseScore 3.7 Evolution. It's an on-going development of 3.6.2 for those of us who aren't ready to make the move to MS4.
In reply to You could try MuseScore 3.7… by yonah_ag
Thanks for that. I couldn't see what new functionality it has over 3.6.2 ? Is there a list somewhere? Is this an official branch or a side tributary?
In reply to Thanks for that. I couldn't… by wideopeniris
It's an unofficial branch spearheaded by Jojo Schmitz.
A detailed change log is here:
New features are listed here:
If you want to remain with 3.x the I would recommend 3.7 although you can have 3.6.2 and 3.7 running on the same computer. I did this for a while but now only use 3.7.