Dynamics not dynamic-ing without extra notes in between

• Mar 4, 2025 - 00:35

I'm noticing that my dynamics dont seem to work on long notes on cymbal roles, and require notes inside the crescendo in order to actually build in volume. Additionally, it seems like the change from Mezzo Forte to Forte in the Cymbals, Mellophones, and Trombones seems very unnatural, where the change from Mezzo Forte to Forte is like going from quiet playing to blaring on the horn, or from lightly rolling the cymbal to smashing the cymbal with no transition (It is tolerable in the horns, but def not so in the cymbals). This problem is probably a bug, but is making cymbals rolls unusable for me so I'd love to know if I'm doing anything wrong.

Attachment Size
PT 1 Mozart's Dies Irae.mscz 83.63 KB


Oh, id like to make this known, I know that I need a dynamic at the end of a line in order for the thing to actually increase in volume. That is not the problem section. My main problem is with the cymbals, and the trombone and mellophone part leading up to the fortepiano. Sorry for the clarification!

In reply to by zhurongthegoat

On my system, none of the instruments play the cresc into the fp.
Under All Instruments there are listings for Baritone and Mellophone in Muse sounds
I got the cymbal roll to work. Change the half note back to a whole note and put a 32nd tremolo over it instead of a16th.
fp's are notorious for being a problem. Someday, they tell us, we will be able to define dynamics.

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