Adding a tie at the last notes of measure #15

• Mar 8, 2025 - 03:07

Please advise how to add ties at the last notes of measure #15! Thanks in advance for your help!

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Grow Old With Me.mscz 43.94 KB


Where should they tie to? There's no adjacent note of the same pitch, not in the next measure
Screenshot 2025-03-08 092228.png
nor in the coda,
Screenshot 2025-03-08 092303.png
so you could at best use a slur, but sure not a tie. I don't see a reason for a slur though

Avoid ties over the boundaries of the volta. Just take one more measure (after 16) and fill it with the content of measure 5. Let the first volta go over measure 16 and the new measure 17. And do the start repeat one measure later. Then you can easily make the slur between measure 16 and the new measure 17.

(Done with 3.7)

Attachment Size
Grow Old With Me.mscz 20.2 KB

In reply to by Anthony Chow

It's still measure 16 you're trying to tie to measure 5. :-)

As Jojo said, in a few days/weeks, once MuS 4.4.5 is released, you should be able to do it without any workaround. However, if you need it immediately, take a look here:

The same idea can be used to tie this first volta to the beginning of the repeat. It doesn't playback correctly, but it LOOKS right ... and the playback usually sounds ... acceptable, if not great.

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