Change grand staff to single staff for real (not just hide the second staff)?
This is a follow-up to the thread below:
I'm looking for a way to truly convert a part to single staff, not just hide one of the staves. I've imported a MusicXML file that I exported out of Logic, and several of the instruments came in with grand staves even though they're instruments that are never notated that way (and weren't that way in the score display in Logic).
I know I can hide the second staff in the score, although I'm finding the individual parts still show both staves. On the individual parts, I can't find a way to hide the second staff. But since it really shouldn't be there at all, I want to delete it entirely, not just hide it.
Is this possible?
Sure, just delete then.
In reply to Sure, just delete then. by Jojo-Schmitz
You are extremely unhelpful.
In reply to You are extremely unhelpful. by room34
Just so you know, Jojo's explanation is exactly the same as mine. Just the TLDR version. He is extremely helpful.
In reply to You are extremely unhelpful. by room34
I answered your question. You asked whether it is possible, not how it is done 😉
Click on the Instruments tab (or Layout tab in 4.5.*; yellow highlight). Click the right-pointing arrow next to the instrument in question (green highlight. It will twist to pointing down and display the sub-items of that instrument, in the case of a piano, treble and bass clefs (the two staves associated with a piano). Click the "Bass clef" (blue highlight) to select it. Note that at the top (right from the Add button is a trash can icon. Click it (orange highlight) to delete (throw away) the selected instrument or, in this case, individual staff.
In reply to Click on the Instruments tab… by TheHutch
Ah, thanks! Somehow I missed that option.