MU 4.5 undo redo bar

• Mar 25, 2025 - 00:41

MU 4.5 in ubuntu 24.10 is displaying an annoying undo redo bar at the right side of the screen, unnecessarily because it could fit anywhere above and I can undo and redo with keyboard shortcuts so I don't need it at all. How can I get rid of that undo / redo bar?


I believe (not sure!!!) that I saw one possible resolution for this in another thread. Try Help / Revert to factory settings. Please let us know that it worked or did not.

In reply to by TheHutch

Thank you for the suggestion. I did it and created a new score and the undo/redo bar was there vertically at the right side again. Then I closed it and used open with from file manager to open a score I was already typing and the undo/redo bar appeared small, floating at the right top, above the toolbar. At least it's not covering anything important now, but there seems to be a bug there.

In reply to by fernandoamartin

This forum section is used to vet bugs. Many of the "bugs" reported here are, in fact, not bugs at all, but users doing something incorrectly. By vetting the reports here and only sending the developers actual bugs, they are able to respond to actual bugs quicker. This is how every open source support I've been involved with has worked. *shrug*

In addition, vetting the reports here tends to get a given bug reported only once, rather than multiple times. Which, once again, means that actual bugs will get fixed sooner.

Hi @fernandoamartin. I am running MU 4.5 in Linux Mint 22.1 (latest OS) and am seeing the same issue with the Undo/Redo bar as you are. I was wondering if you are also having issues changing Workspaces? When I try to change to another Workspace nothing happens other than the Undo/Redo bar going full-vertical on the ride-hand side of the screen. I'm wondering if there's some sort of Qt Framework issue occurring?

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