lines gone missing

• Aug 30, 2017 - 14:14

Hi, i am a new user and i am trying to make my first sheets
here for orchestra, but everytime i place some notes for example for flute,
the contrabass lines just disappear, they still are there on the main sheet
but thats just very small. Has anyone had the same problem yet? Does someone
have a solution for this?


Hello! In order for us to understand what you mean, it would help if you attached the score you are having trouble with and described the problem in more detail. I don't know what you mean by "lines" here - bnar lines? staff lines? lines placed from the palette? It's possible you are getting confused between the score and the parts - when you say "main sheet" I am guessing you mean the score, and it is indeed usually pretty small for orchestra so that all those instruments can fit on the page.

In reply to by Glp Antares

You apparently checked all of the instruments when you exported or extracted the Contrabass part. You will need to delete the part and extract it again but just check the contrabass. I'll bet you extracted all parts at once and checked all instruments on the right side thinking it was necessary. If you click each instrument on the left you will see each one is automatically checked on the right.

In reply to by Glp Antares

As an aside; whilst you'll often get a faster or more complete answer here in the English section. The forum also has a Dutch section where you can ask your questions in your mother tongue.

Even zijdelings vermelden dat, terwijl je hier in het engelstalige gedeelte vaak sneller of een uitgebreider antwoord krijgt, we ook een nederlandstalig gedeelte hebben waar je je vragen kan stellen:

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