PDF to mscz

• May 25, 2012 - 16:14

Hello ,
I am using linux , xubuntu is there any way to convert pdf files to the mscz format ?
your help would be much appreciated



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Jojo-Schmit ,thanks for your reply. Am I getting the wrong end of the stick in thinking that as audiveris uses OCR , I would need an OCR scanner ?


It depends on the PDF

If it just contains scanned images then the only way forward is by OMR software such as Audiveris.

If on the other hand it is a PDF rendered from MuseScore, Sibelius or Finale then there is software called PDFtoMusic which may help you, although I have not been impressed by the demo version so far!

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Many thanks for your reply ChurchOrganist , I'll leave it for now and soldier on.
By the way I,m re-leaning harmony , the text book I'm using was printed in
1884 so I don't want to make too many notes in it. What I would like to do is
copy extracts from it , including the examples . I know that musescore allows
some text but not enough can you think of any workarounds ?

In reply to by taff

In way does MuseScore not allow "enough" text? Should allow as much as you want. But it is true that it provides only limited formatting and editing capabilities compared to a word processor. So if your goal is to create something like a textbook, with mostly text but a few notated examples, the best way to do that is to create just the examples in MuseScore, save them as PNG or PDF files (or use the "Snippet Creator" plugin) and then import those graphics into a word processor.

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