Instrument violin-vibraphone-violin in a score only pentagram
In a score of a pentagram only for a violin instrument, how do you get a part (exactly eight bars) to sound the vibraphone? If I mark those eight measures and I change them to a vibraphone, the whole score with a vibraphone sounds to me. In the Inspector I can not find this option and the mixer does not work.
Mid Staff instrument Change:…
Press 'I'add the instrument, then use style->General... and check "Hide Empty staves".
In reply to Press 'I'add the instrument,… by Shoichi
Thanks Shoichi, solved. I had to make some arrangements because in the first band there were violin and vibraphone notes; little thing, add a compas to the violin and another to the vibraphone, both with anacrusas to avoid unwanted silences. Greetings from La Rioja, Spain.