How to add music symbols in text

• Nov 14, 2017 - 15:48

Hi, I'm new to Musescore, I used to work with Finale some years ago but it seems not to be available for Mac, so I moved to this free software.
I'm now transcribing a Jazz ballad and I need to add the notation as shown in the attached image. Is a screenshot from another score I found on the internet.
indicacion swing.jpg
Any help and/or guide is appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.


If you have an image you wish to add, you can add it directly as described in the Handbook under Images - not need to use text at all.

To add any music symbols within a text element, you can press F2 or click the icon at the left of the text toolbar while editing text to display the Special Characters palette.

BTW, Finale is definitely available for Mac.

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