Hide stave but not lyrics
Hello everyone
I added lyrics to my rhythm stave (wood blocks making a metronome sound) but I don't actually want the rhythm stave to be visible when printing (and/or viewing). Is it possible to hide the stave without also hiding the lyrics, or to make the stave invisible without making the lyrics invisible?
(The reason why I add lyrics to the rhythm stave is because I first write the lyrics and then transcribe the notes, since I can't read music and my eyes lose my place on the screen if the words aren't there.)
lyrics vs Ctrl+T ?
there must be a better way
In reply to lyrics vs Ctrl+T ? by Shoichi
Thanks, using staff text instead of lyrics text is an option, yes. Though I like the fact that with lyrics text pressing space bar moves the cursor immediately to the right place.
Why not copy the lyrics to the clipboard, then paste onto the transcribed notes?
Then you can hide, even delete, the rhythm stave.
In reply to Why not copy the lyrics to… by Jm6stringer
Yes, I see now how that works, thanks!
How about entering the rhythm first, in a normal staff, add the lyrics and then use https://musescore.org/en/handbook/note-input-modes#repitch to have the notes corrected?