Save as... & Save a copy... dialog box should open on current score folder

• Dec 17, 2017 - 08:15

I don't open an issue yet so we can discuss that.
All other software I know (really all) have their "save as" dialog box opening on the folder where the current document stays, and this is what I would expect and what I need from MuseScore.
Instead, MuseScore opens on the default save folder, ignoring the place of the current document.
I consider that as a bug, and would fill in an issue to get the "standard" behavior but perhaps there are different opinions?


In reply to by frfancha

Not really, just add your comments to the other thread. But do be sure to read the existing comments. The current behavior is intentional, not a bug - it's very useful and in fact not that uncommon for programs to remember the last used folder (it is not accurate to say MuseScore uses the default folder - it is really remembering the last used). But indeed, for some workflows, ignoring the last used folder can make more sense. All depends on your reasons for using Save As.

You wrote:
I consider that as a bug, and would fill in an issue to get the "standard" behavior but perhaps there are different opinions?
There sure are different opinions... 😂 ... and so I referenced the other thread because this topic has come up before. It seems to me that this relates to the "principal of least astonishment". See:…
where users expectations (should) influence software design.

I, too, have encountered what you mention - ignoring the place of the current document - as (sometimes) I feel inconvenienced at having to re-navigate to save to a location which I thought should already be prompted by the software.
I haven't truly counted the number of times when this happens - as opposed to when everything "runs smoothly" (re: least astonishment) - so I'm still neutral about this.

Also... you wrote:
All other software I know (really all) have their "save as" dialog box opening on the folder where the current document stays, and this is what I would expect...
I "feel" I know what you mean, so please post on that other thread, with definitive examples/names of software you use which perform as what you expect from MuseScore. Perhaps others will chime in, so let's keep the discussion going over there...


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