Change part staff from percussion to standard

• Feb 25, 2018 - 22:21

Hi. I have an arrangement in which everything looks and sounds fine when the full score is read or played back, but when parts are generated, the Tenor sax part comes up as a percussion stave. Does anyone have experience of this or a similar problem and know how to correct it please? I have tried every thing I can find in Marc Sabatella's book, Mastering MuseScore, with no success. If anyone can help, I'll be most appreciative.
Muffin 6


Without seeing the score, I will take a wild guess that you somehow selected the percussion instrument for the tenor sax part. I will further wildly guess that Tenor Sax is the last (or less likely the first) instrument in the score.

Indeed, there is no reason this shouldn't work and there is nothing special you are supposed to need to do. Something must be off in your particular score, we'd need you to attach it in order to assist further.

Thanks for your input Mike. I suppose I must have somehow got wires crossed when trying to remove the percussion part from the score, but the Tenor sax part was in the middle of the score, not at the bottom. Anyway, I resolved it by opening a new score and copying the contents of the original score to it. The tenor sax part is now fine. Thanks

In reply to by muffin6

Still, seeing your score - even with the notes removed if you're worried about that - could help us understand what may have happened. If there is a bug somewhere in MuseScore that caused the problem, this could be what allows us to track it down and fix it. Of course, better would be if we knew how to reproduce the problem from scratch.

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