Drum notation for exercises

• Mar 5, 2018 - 10:34

Hi everybody,

I am a drum teacher and new to Musescore. I want to make a page full of measures with exercises.
The only problem is: all the measures follow up and that's the thing I dont want.

For instance: I want only two measures in the beginning to show a kick exercise. Below I want four for a different exercise. Below those four I want just one.
So I want all seperate staffs to have different amounts of measures. I am allready trying for one hour (+ searching over the internet for a solution) but I just can't find a way to make this work.

I allready tried working with different instruments (3 sets of drumsets) but then the amount of measures are mirrored in all the staffs.

Can someone please help me out?



To be clear: if you have multiple instruments, then by definition they will all line up. Sounds like you want only one instrument. Then add the frames and breaks as desired.

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