Master Palette item "Smooth Lift Long" for following melody, "voice leading line"?

• Sep 22, 2018 - 15:10

It looks right on the score, but it doesn't feel like I'm using the right tool for what the score is saying.

Anybody know where I find the correct symbol on the master palette?



Which symbol? If you mean the line, use the line from the lines palette in the advanced workspace. It can be skewed like that. Just wait until your page is set up to use it or you will end up repositioning it.

FWIW, another option is the "note anchored line" under Add / Lines. It needs to have a 5sp vertical offset applied (I consider that a bug) and might need other manual adjustments depending on the specific result desired, but it is quite flexible and can be useful in cases where glissando fails.

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