Add extra staves to 4/4 time signaturr
Have never seen such notes. How do I insert notes at the finger pointed in the photo.
Thank you.
Have never seen such notes. How do I insert notes at the finger pointed in the photo.
Thank you.
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In reply to See:… by Jm6stringer
I'm afraid it's not working. Tried other note too but unsuccessful. Using the MS 2.3.2.
In reply to I'm afraid it's not working… by bassor001
You need to enter the notes in the bass clef, select them and press ctrl+shift+up arrow to move them to the treble clef.
In reply to I'm afraid it's not working… by bassor001
It definitely works if you follow the listed steps. See the attached, also done using 2.3.2, where I've entered the first 4 bars and performed very minor stylistic tweaks (a bit more space than default between the two staves, texts layout).
The line used in the cross staff notation is found all the way down in the Lines palette from the Advanced Workspace (called line), then the handles were dragged up/down to be diagonal.
Other than cross-staff notation (as linked before) and using 2 voices, nothing really special was required. Do feel free to ask questions if you're not seeing/understanding how something was done.
In reply to It definitely works if you… by jeetee
Using a glissando line for this (with text and play disabled) is less prone to issues with re-layout
In reply to Using a glissando line for… by Jojo-Schmitz
Good call!
@OP: you can find that line also in the Advanced workspace. To disable its text and playback as Jojo indicated, select it and uncheck those two options in the Inspector.
In reply to It definitely works if you… by jeetee
@jeetee Don't think I can figure it out on my own. Could help me to lay it out step by step?
In reply to Don't think I can figure it… by bassor001
1) enter the notes on the bottom staff
2) exit note input mode
3) select the notes you want to move to the top staff (eg, click the first of them, Shift+click the last)
4) press Ctrl+Shift+Up
In reply to Don't think I can figure it… by bassor001
Click below for my Quick Answer on how to enter cross-staff notation:
Enter Cross-Staff Notation