Add a text notepad to document musical changes between versions.

• Nov 14, 2018 - 20:02

For example, I am revisiting a piece of music I wrote some time ago.

There are chordal passages where the upper note remains and the lower notes move up and down producing repetitive underscore for melody.

I am about to reverse some of them and I will save the new version under a different name. I am also making some changes to duration between note and rest.

This is now the 4th version.

It would be very useful to have a note attached to this version commenting on the changes I am making.

It would be useful also to document changes to parts for players, expressing the changes made between versions.


Quote: It would be useful also to document changes to parts for players, expressing the changes made between versions.
Quote: I had visioned a "note" that one could access on call, not something that stayed as a permanent part of the notation.

Simple solution, if I understand correctly...
One thing about computers is that two files in a folder cannot have the exact same name + extension, but they can have the same name with different file extensions.
You can create a text file (.txt), as you wrote, to document changes to parts for players, expressing the changes made between versions. and save it right next to your score in the same MuseScore folder.


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