Tempo isn't following what I type

• Dec 30, 2018 - 04:11

I have typed in the tempo markings as 808 bpm and 176 bpm. MuseScore has recognized that I have typed that and when I go into the inspector the 'Follow Text" box is checked. But for whatever reason, the playback has always been 120 pm.

Also, you will notice a random box that will make part of the score disappear and be blank.

Attachment Size
tempo.PNG 470.4 KB
tempo_2.PNG 400.22 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

Both boxes show 88bpm but the play back still is at 120 in the play panel.

The test score work perfectly fine. I'm thinking maybe it is a problem with the score, as it was brought up from MS 2. I've tried using the MS 3 formatted and leaving it as is and both files ignore the tempo.

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