White mensural longa should also have a version with upward stem

• Jan 2, 2019 - 13:07

In both Musescore v2 & 3, the symbol "White mensural longa", now in v3 helpfully organised in Master Palette under Medieval and Renaissance individual notes, has just one version - with a downward stem. However, in white mensural notation of renaissance period, there also existed longa with an upward stem (facsimile example enclosed, source: CZ-Pu XI B 1a, ff. 328v). Could this version of "White mensural longa" be added to Master Palette, by any chance, please?

Anyhow, thank you for your work on getting v3 out, it looks great, although mensurstrich might be broken too, will come back to that in appropriate section.

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Isn't that basically just a longa with an Alt. Breivis head? If so that is easy, just use longa and change notehead ti Alt. Brevis, stem direction will follow the normal rules (down for center sfaff line and below, otherwise up) but can get changed manually.

Actually that is the only (proper) way, that white mensural longa glyph apparently exists in SMuFL (and therefor in Bravura, or Bravura Text) only in this one stem up variant.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Oh I see. I have to admit I didn´t know about SMuFL. Cool. I just move the issue there then, I guess :D. Thank you!,

Anyhow, the workaround works, but it looks ugly, unfortunately, because the stem doesn´t match the border of the brevis notehead. Well, it works, thank you!

EDIT: OK, there is an option in Inspector that allows me to set stem thinkness. FYI, if set to 20, it matches exactly with Alt. Brevis head. I do feel stupid now, but anyway, happy 2019 everyboy!

Attachment Size
alt. brevis with stem.png 9.5 KB

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