Problem with "corrupted files"

• Jan 21, 2019 - 03:31

Hi, gang!!!

I tried to open an score, created with MuseScore 2.3.2, with MuseScore 3.0.1, and... I got very rare messages about "corruption":…

But... If you see this image from the file:…

There is no any kind of "corruption"!!!


I used to get this kind of messages with files created with MuseScore 0.x and 1.x, and it was about some final empty bars, only.

This is not the case.

Is it a bug???

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!



We would need to see the file to truly understand what's happening. You can probably see the corruption if you exchange voices 1 & 2 in the corrupt measure twice. Chances are it was corrupt in version 2, but version 3 actually saw it, or the algorithm is a little different. See

In reply to by jotape1960

If you have the version 2 file, it might help to attach it to see if a programmer can find a way to fix it so you won't have to reenter the measures in a future version. Corruptions like this should not arise during import.

Someone else will need to see what needs to be done to fix it and if a bug report is called for.

In reply to by mike320

Hi, Mike320!!!

I uploaded the original MIDI file version, and (from that) the MuseScore 2.3.2 version of the same file.

If you open whatever those versions, with MuseScore 2.3.2, there is not errors.

If you open the file version made by MuseScore 2.3.2 with the new MuseScore 3.0.1 portable... Then you will get the "corruption".

Maybe a bug???

In reply to by jotape1960

I didn't look at the origin of the score. If you open the MIDI in MuseScore 3.0.1 there is no corruption either. As I said before, a programmer would need to decide if this is a bug. If you want to make sure it gets considered at a bug feel free to enter it into

Make sure you explain that the 2.3.2 score and 3.0 scores are both imported with no corruptions, but when you import the 2.3.2 into 3.0.1 there is a corruption. This is a bug, the issue is weather it will be fixed since 2.3.2 is no longer being fixed, but 3.0 shouldn't be corrupt.

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