Prebend text position etc.

• Feb 1, 2019 - 11:14

Can I report in here?
in Prebend, position of text is too far.
Accent is all OK. but Mordent is too far and wrong position (in voice 1&2).

Toggled "Concert Pitch" in Dark mode, its too hard to confirm.
I feel need more brighter bgcolor or reverse color.
Thanks for developer's hard work.

Attachment Size
prebend.mscz 24.34 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you for information.
Tool bar of v3.0.2 has a blue color when button state is on.
This visual information is good for me.
But there are many people be in confusing...
Change the text is good for color blindness user, I think.

btw Is there "MS3.0 Regular Issue List (with screenshot for poor Engrisch user)"?

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