Revert to previous version of a score
I recently updated to musescore 3 and i transferred one of my files from musescore 2 then kept working on it there. It asked me if I would like to move note positioning (or something like that) and then I saved that file, replacing the original in musescore 3 which is the one I had continued adding to. This erased a lot of the music I had added. Is there any way to revert the file to an older version?
The old score should still be where it was. Unless you explicitly saved over it and ignored the warning about that...
In reply to The old score should still… by Jojo-Schmitz
Could it be inside the auto save folder???
In reply to Could it be inside the auto… by jotape1960
Auto save? Possibly, but more there's more likely a backup on the hard drive where you imported it to version 3. See
In reply to The old score should still… by Jojo-Schmitz
It had previously asked me if I wanted to resave it and there was no problem. Apple keeps the previous saved version, just hidden, which I've accessed. When I try to open it though it says that it cannot read the file because it is an unknown type.
In reply to It had previously asked me… by adamfben
Rename the file so it does not start with a . or end with a , and Apple will recognize it.
The problem has been fixed. I googled how to access a previous saved version (musescore saves a hidden version), so I found the hidden version. The problem was that the hidden version had a comma at the end (.mscz, vs. mscz). I deleted the comma and saved it and was able to reaccess the file. Thanks for all the ideas!
In reply to The problem has been fixed… by adamfben
Glad I could help.