Fretboard diagram anomalies with MS3
I am puzzling over two behaviors that surprise me. In the following example, I've added two fretboard diagrams.
Both diagrams have been set to manual placement with a Y offset of -2.5. A blank diagram starts at the position on the right. The diagram hops up (a half space?) when I add any dots to it.
When I add dots to the blank diagram, or indeed to any string, a circle appears above the string, as shown in the left diagram. I must manually clear each circle (by cycling through circle, X, blank). There is of course no situation where one would want both a dot on a fret and a circle above the string, so this is presumably a bug.
Finally, as I've mentioned before, I never (well, very rarely) want to use a circle or X above any of my diagrams. I use a different diagram style. In my ideal world, I would be able to turn off their automatic appearance (i.e. the default behavior wherein clearing a dot causes a circle to be displayed above the string). That behavior adds a lot of edit time to my scores. Just in case this has been implemented and I haven't spotted it, can someone confirm that there's no way to do this?
And one more anomaly. After copying and pasting a diagram with an offset, which is shown to the left, the pasted version has transferred the offset to the right side of the diagram. I can't see why this happened.
In reply to And one more anomaly. After… by spinality
There is a list of issues in #283681: [EPIC] Fretboard diagram issues, click each link and see if any of them are the same thing you are reporting. If you think you find a new issue, describe it here. There is someone, theotherjthistle, who plans to spend the next couple of week fixing fretboard diagrams. I think he will start tomorrow and should comment here. Keep your eyes open for him.
In reply to There is a list of issues in… by mike320
Great, thanks. I see some of this has already been reported, sorry I didn't spot that thread earlier.
In reply to Great, thanks. I see some of… by spinality
As I said, if you think you found something different for existing issues, this is a good place to discuss it. Someone with more knowledge than you or me will end up commenting and let you know if you need a new bug report.
To reproduce this issue:
Expected result: Diagrams should be on the same horizontal level?
Actual result: The blank diagram is lower than the diagram showing a chord.