Extending Staves at the End, and Entering Key Signatures
I'm a beginner with MuseScore and I need a little help. I start by choosing a blank score. The one I choose has two staves - a treble and a bass, and there are four of these sets on a page.
I enlarged the page from 100% to 200% and entered my 4/4 time signature. When I tried to enter the key signature, I selected the signature for Eb. When I dragged the set of three flats to the treble staff, only the Bb appeared, and it appeared in both staves. However, I was not able to drag the Ab and Eb signs to the staves. Why not? I followed the instructions in the online help manual.
I went ahead and entered a line of notes. It was then that I noticed only the first line appeared, and it had an ending bracket at the end. I went through the online help manual but I didn't see anything about copying staves and pasting them. I don't know what I did to make the other 3 lines disappear, and I need to know how to fill the page with the staff set.
While entering the notes, I noticed some blue "+" marks above the staves. What do those mean and how can I get rid of them?
How can I narrow the vertical space between the bass clef and the treble clef?
For me, the title text box is too big. I looked all over for a way to its height, and for a way to change the font size but I couldn't find any info on these. Is it even possible?
If somebody could get me started in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
Please disregard #2 in my message.
Also, I need to increase the length of my measures. I only need 4 or 5 measures per line. How can I do that?
In reply to Please disregard #2 in my… by skrontle
Format/Add/Remove System Breaks or use the Breaks&Spacers palette
The key signature changed because you have a transposing instrument. Sounds like either a French horn or English horn. Drag the concert pitch key signature and MuseScore automagically transposes the key
ignored as requested
The blue + means the measure is longer than the time signature. FYI, if it's shorter the + will be a -
Look at Format->Style. Note that the distance between staves is called the system space if there is only one instrument. This is to differentiate it from staff space when you have multiple instruments. See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/layout-and-formatting#style-page for more info
Read up at https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/frames for more info
In reply to The key signature changed… by mike320
Thank you for your reply. I'll take a look at the two links.
With respect to #1 above - I'm writing sheets for a Yamaha keyboard that I bought 18 years ago but never really played. The keyboard is transposable, but MS doesn't know that I'm writing for the keyboard. I just picked that particular staff style because it seemed to be the thing to do. The melody is in the treble staff and the chords are in the lower staff. If there is a better staff layout I sure can't find it.
In reply to Thank you for your reply. I… by skrontle
In regards to 1. The instrument transposition is based upon the instrument you chose when you created the score in musescore, not because of your midi device. If you right click the staff you will see the instrument it was created as. This would explain the transposition you are seing.