About tuplet

• Mar 4, 2019 - 18:14

I can't make a triplet out of this.
Can someone tell me how?
Pic attached.
It's a 16th rest with a triplet of two(2) eighth notes and the third note being a 32nd note. I'm sorry if I'm saying this wrong. Need help.

Attachment Size
Capture+_2019-03-05-02-14-31.png 66.56 KB


You need more of the picture. There is no context so it's impossible to understand what you need to do. We need the entire measure and tell us the time signature.

In reply to by elmodelgencia1

The full measure helps understand better, though it's possible the bass line would help with context, see below.

The triplet consists of the 16th rest, 2 8th notes and a 16th note which = 3 8th notes. So you want to start with a 1/4 rest and make a triplet from that. Press:

ctrl+3 (you now have 3 8th rests under the triplet)
3 0 (to get the 16th rest)
4 d (you can click the natural sign on the tool bar now or do it later) shift+f shift+g shift+b
c up arrow shift+f up arrow shift+g up arrow shift+b up arrow (you're already inputting 8th notes)
3 e shift g down arrow a c
+ (this will add the tied chord automatically with the same notes).

After I wrote out all of this, I realize there is a misprint we are looking at. There is no way that's supposed to be a 32nd note if you're looking at a triplet. Typos are often the most difficult issues to figure out. This is about 75% sure in my opinion. If I could see the bass staff I might be able to verify this. I'm note sure if the bass has a triplet also. If it does, it may make me think the 32nd note is correct and the 16th rest should be dotted, but I don't know unless I see the measure.

In reply to by elmodelgencia1

Is this from actual published music? It looks more like the result of MIDI import into a program that does a not-very-good job of notating rhythms. Which is to say, the rhythms appear just plain wrong. The triplet makes no sense, and the quarter note in the left hand is also incorrect, needs to be a sixteenth tied to something

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The left hand is fine except the tuplet which is the same as the right hand. 8th + 16th + 1 + 16th = 2 beats even though they are in weird places and could be notated better. I'm torn between the dotted rest or the 16th at the end of the tuplet. The more I think about it the more I think it might be a dotted rest to start the triplet for the proper notation. If you have another score you could compare it to, that would be the best. Otherwise make your best guess as to how the bug should be fixed.

In reply to by mike320

I meant "wrong" in the sense of notated incorrectly, not in the sense of not adding up the proper number of beats for the measure. The quarter note needs to.be broken up. That plus the very strange tuplet makes me think this is actually just MIDI import gone bad, and not something anyone shoud be trying to copy.

That said, if there is a bug somewhere exposed by this, it isn't clear to me what, but if someone wants to write up a bug report with clear steps to reproduce an acknowledged problem, that would be great. Right now I'm not seeing the supposed problem though.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ok, we agree on what's wrong with this. It sounds like the OP is trying to copy something in print, from somewhere and there is obviously an error in it. Errors like this happen and are very difficult to understand what should be written. This is the general discussion forum, so I don't think anyone said there's a problem with MuseScore.

I final thing I would look for is other places where similar rhythms in this song occur. Do they have the dotted rest or 16th note? If both or neither exist, then as I said previously, the best bet is to find another version, even with different instrumentation if that's all that you can find, and see what the rhythm is there. The final option is to guess, I would now lean toward the 16th note rather than the dotted rest. I know I keep changing my mind, but I really think the 32nd in the tuplet is out of place.

In reply to by mike320

For the record, it was your statement "make your best guess as to how the bug should be fixed" that confused me, I thought you were saying there was a problem I needed to look at here.

As for the triplet, it doesn't add up, no doubt about that to me. If we read the 32nd note as a sixteenth, it would almost add up, but then, the sixteenth rest should also be under the bracket. As it is, though, it still seems pretty apparent to me this was not written by a human who was making decisions about how he wanted the rhythm to look, but by a computer program trying to make sense out of MIDI input and doing a not very good of it. If we had the original MIDI file, I'm guessing we'd hear it as just a sixteenth rest followed by three sixteenths, more or less exactly like the next two beats (except a rest instead of a tied-over note, although maybe they are all tied over, or all rests). Probably it was a live MIDI recording and whomever played it was just enough off in their timing that the software importing the MIDI file tried to render it using a triplet but just got it wrong even then.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Actually the measure was from a score that i screenshot from youtube. I apologize if this post was such a hassle, i was just trying to rewrite the piece with this software and all was smooth sailing until i reached that measure wherein i couldn't copy the notes and since its my first time trying out this software maybe i was just not knowledgable enough to use it so that's why i posted here and asked you guys for help. I was glad to see so many people tried to help me and made an effort to solve my problem, thank you but after so much time tinkering with the software i just made my own version and was satisfied about it. Well anyways i apologize if my post gave you a headache, thank you for clarifying the problem though.

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