Page numbers
I've been trying to start page numbers on the 1st page of a completed score with a value higher than 1 (using the "Score Properties" and "Format" drop-down menus), but the page number always defaults to "1". Is there a work-around to resolve this glitch?
Go to Format > Page settings... > First page number
In reply to Go to Format > Page settings… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for your reply. I've done that several times but it does not change the number,
In reply to Thanks for your reply. I've… by Hepkat
Attach your score so we can see what's happening, and tell us what you expect.
In reply to Attach your score so we can… by mike320
The issue has been resolved in 3.0.4 (which I just upgraded to). Thanks for your time and assistance.
I was just trying to get the page numbers to start at a different number than "1" on the first page of a score (which now works in 3.0.4). The version I was using earlier was 3.0.0 (I think).
In reply to The issue has been resolved… by Hepkat
Indeed, got fixed in 3.0.2, see #280885: "First page number" in Page Settings no longer works