One instrument ignoring all dynamic markings

• Mar 6, 2019 - 04:51

Hey y'all,

I am done with an arrangement, but I am now trying to set some dynamics so it plays back properly so I can export the song a an mp3 to send to some friends. The score is for piano and another instrument (which I currently have set for kazoo) and the end is supposed to decrescendo into nothing. I set a dec. line for both parts and also put dynamics markings on each note. The piano decs fine, but the other part does not dec at all. I have tried switching to other instruments, I have tried manually inputting a velocity for each note, I have tried a lot of combinations of lines and markings but nothing works.

What else can I try?

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You cannot currently change the volume on a single note. As many notes as you can tie together are considered a single note. The reason the left hand of the piano decrescendos is because it will always do that, like a guitar. Instruments that can be sustained, will be sustained as long as you tie them together, even if this is unrealistic for a musician.

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