voice muted in playback is not muted in mp3 file
This is my first post ever... I tried to search for this topic, but couldn't find anything, so I'm posting.
I'm using Windows 10. I have a score with 2 voices on a track. When I mute just 1 voice in Mixer, its muted in playback. However, when I export to mp3 I can still hear the voice that is supposed to be muted. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Attachment | Size |
Alla_Cazza.mscz | 34.33 KB |
You don't do anything wrong!
Workaround: select all notes in the voice (rightclick...select...more...), in inspector uncheck "Playback", then export to mp3.
Maybe there is a simplier solution?
Greetings, Pentatonus
In reply to You don't do anything wrong!… by [DELETED] 1307581
When I try to select all similar elements, I get the soprano and tenor together. I'm not sure how to select only voice 1 in the upper staff...
In reply to When I try to select all… by sookysunky
Right-click one, Select > More... > Same staff, Same voice
In reply to Right-click one, Select >… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks, I didn't see the "same staff" button last time.
Dynamics don't work on single voices, see #58031: Dynamics/hairpin range for Voice.
But check the attached, using MuseScore 3's Wonem and Men and (hiden) staff text to switch voices 1 and 3 to Soprano/Tenor and voices 2 and 4 to Alto/Bass, all 4 have their own channel in the Mixer now
In reply to Dynamice don't work on… by Jojo-Schmitz
The mute button was working on voices in the playback. It just wasn't being reflected in the mp3. I can't see what you did to the file. The Mixer still has only 2 channels SA and TB. I can see there is text that says "t/b" above the tenor/bass line. I didn't notice anything else that has changed.
In reply to The mute button was working… by sookysunky
Open Mixer and click o the arrows for Women and Men and find it unfolds Soprano/Alto and Tenor/Bass
In reply to Open Mixer and click o the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Oh, I see it now, but I can't tell from your description what steps you took to do that. Can you expand on that, or send a link to some instructions? Thank you!
In reply to Oh, I see it now, but I can… by sookysunky
I just changed the instrumente to Women and Men, added staff text, changed their properties to assign voices to channels and made them invisible
In reply to I just changed the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hey it worked! That's a tricky thing to have the voices linked up to a text field that way. Thanks!
By the way, its taking a way, way longer time to export to mp3 than it usually does. Like 5 minutes each time. This really lengthens the time I'm spending on making practice files for my group. (4 voices x 2 speeds x mute or enhanced = 16 files - will take me 80 minutes). Is that because its parsing out the voices?
In reply to Hey it worked! That's a… by sookysunky
Likely the resultung MP3 is larger and that takes longer to generate?
In reply to Likely the resultung MP3 is… by Jojo-Schmitz
The mp3s are nearly the same size, 1,275 Kg...
In reply to Likely the resultung MP3 is… by Jojo-Schmitz
I'm on a work computer which I don't normally use for this, but my work computer is newer and faster than my home computer, so I'd be surprised if that's the reason. I'd have try it at home to remove that variable...
I agree that muting voice in the mixer should mute it for mp3 export as well. The workaround is possible and what I did in 2.x when I wanted to export only one voice from a staff with multiple voices, but while we have the upgraded mixer, why not use it to make life easier?
In reply to I agree that muting voice in… by Louis Cloete
I know I can work around it too. Its what I did in MS 2, but I figured since there's this great button now specifically to mute voices, and it works on playback. I was surprised that the mp3 didn't reflect what I was hearing in playback.
In reply to I know I can work around it… by sookysunky