Sibelius to Musescore Import Issue: Phrases / Slurs Detached from Anchors

• Apr 5, 2019 - 09:35

Phrases / Slurs detach from their anchors and become unaligned when importing .xml or .mxl

Delete phrase/slur and re-create. Very time consuming :-(

I'm trying to make the transition from Sibelius to Musescore. This issue is a blocker.


  • Happens on multiple scores
  • Tested and can replicate with .xml and .mxl exported from different versions of Sibelius
  • Doesn't consistently happen with slurs between just 2 notes. Consistently happens with slurs applied as Phrases (Lines function in Sibelius & Musescore)
  • Example of an affected score attached. See detached slurs and phrases which should be on the bottom staff (bass)

Has anyone seen this before? Any solution or suggestions?
Thanks for assistance.

Attachment Size
Nuages.mxl 11.74 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Perhaps I'm calling them the wrong thing - ok so ties then. But they are definitely detached for me. Screenshots attached. Is this not what you're seeing? Affects literally hundreds of my scores...

OS: macOS High Sierra (10.13), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: cda4080

In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks for looking @shoichi. Yes, your NuagesBis.musicxml imports with the same detached ties error for me. Curious! Sounds like these files do work for others, so I'll look to some updates as a first step to resolve and report back. Unless something else is jumping out to others as a possible culprit?

In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks for checking @cadiz1 . An affected score was attached to the first reply in the thread. Added the image to clarify the issue and compare in order to isolate if this is something in the way I applied ties (or Sibelius exported ties) in my files, vs something isolated to my environment. Thanks for your screenshot. Shows its not the file - seeing as the same file imports correctly in your environment. That's helpful to know.

Ok... updating everything and rebooting resolved the issue. ...I'll show myself out.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction folks, really appreciated.

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