voltas and rehearsal marks stay on screen when working with large score.

• May 8, 2019 - 17:50

I would find this very useful.


Perhaps have display at the top of the screen in a manner similar to how the instrument names are displayed on the left in continuous view? I think this is an excellent idea.

In reply to by xavierjazz

Sure, I understand that part, just not the sentence "why does that desktop with the score visible scroll so far up that the top stave is out of sight? Nothing but white". Sounds like you are saying the score is scrolling all by itself and leaving you with nothing but white space above the top staff, but I'm having trouble understanding when this is happening. Or maybe I complete miss the meaning of that sentence.

Anyhow, it's a good suggestion, and I encourage you to submit it to the issue tracker. But meanwhile did you try the timeline? It accomplishes a similar job (giving you a good idea of where you are in the score at all times) but in a different manner.

In reply to by mike320

Sure, actually aligning them is not how gets the job done, but it's a job being performed - showing you the context you need to understand where you are in the score (and also providing navigation, which the originally stated idea does not). Not saying the original idea is without merit, but assuming the goal is to see at glance that the visible region is near rehearsal mark "R" or whatever, the timeline does a good job of this.

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