musescore3 xml bug

• May 11, 2019 - 19:52


There is an error displaying xml with musescore3.
please look at the attachment.

The top g note should be one long note, but in the notation it get
separated with each lower note.
Why is that?

I have tried opening this same xml with musescore2 and there is no error,
only with musescore3.
Please fix this error in the future.

Attachment Size
(05) Let It Be x .xml 12.38 KB
Snap3.gif 72.82 KB


Your XML file explicitly shows this note as a lot of small tied notes. So MuseScore 3 is showing exactly what is in that file.

For the record, so is 2.3.2. It shows the exact same result. Not sure why you think it doesn't ?

In reply to by [DELETED] 1307581

        <tie type="start"/> //starting
        <tie type="stop"/> //and it stops immediately.
          <tied type="start"/> // continue
          <tied type="stop"/> // and it stops immediately.

But it should be: (first: tied type="stop" and then tied type="start" )

        <tie type="stop"/> // stopping
        <tie type="start"/> // starting
          <tied type="stop"/>  // and stopping
          <tied type="start"/> //continue

According to this code, I think Musescore3 is correct.

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